On 22 August (10.02pm AEST) there will be an auspicious Full Moon in Aquarius at 29°. Full Moons occur every month when the sun and moon are in exact opposition with one another. What makes THIS full moon particularly special is that the moon will be conjunct Jupiter at 26°, while the sun will be exactly conjunct the fixed star Regulus at 29°. The 29th DegreeFull moons indicate the end of a chapter in our lives. Given that this full moon is occurring at the karmic 29th degree, we can observe that something significant in our lives will be reaching a very powerful conclusion. Full Moon conjunct JupiterThe full moon conjunct Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion, indicates that this chapter that is coming to a close will bestow you with some kind of blessing, which may be material or spiritual in nature. Full Moon conjunct SaturnThe moon is also in a wide conjunction with Saturn at 6°. On one level, this indicates reaching the end of a long-term goal that has been challenging to achieve. On another level, you may have reached the end of a really difficult stage of your life. The influence of RegulusAnd lastly, the fixed star Regulus represents leadership ability, royalty and fame. The sun conjunct Regulus indicates that you will FINALLY receive the acknowledgment and recognition that you TRULY deserve. So make sure you celebrate your achievements and congratulation yourself on finally reaching this MILESTONE! How will this Full Moon at 29° impact you personally?To understand how this full moon in Aquarius will impact you on a personal level, check out my August 2021 Horoscope series on YouTube!
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September 2024
AuthorAll posts are written by Cailin, owner and founder of Caistrology. |