Let’s not beat around the bush, the last few weeks have been confusing as hell, following the 2 eclipses we had in October and November, which lead to major epiphanies when it comes to reassessing our self-worth, our core values and what areas of our life need adjusting, or perhaps a total overhaul!
On 23 December, there will be a new moon in Capricorn which will be accompanied by Venus, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn.
On 7 December (8 December AEST), there will be a full moon in Gemini which will be exactly conjunct Mars retrograde, square Neptune in Pisces and trine Saturn in Aquarius.
We’re in-between eclipses (the next one is tomorrow!), so this week you may be feeling excited and on top of the world one moment and down in the dumps the next moment!
On 8 November, there will be a total full moon eclipse in Taurus at 15°59, which will be conjunct Uranus, opposite Mercury / Venus and square Saturn.
We're currently experiencing a 10-week long Mars retrograde cycle. Although these cycles occur once every 2+ years, this one is going to be like a Mercury retrograde cycle ON STEROIDS!
On 25 October, there will be a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio at 2°, which will make an exact conjunction to Venus.
Welcome to Scorpio season, aka the truth zone, where it’s basically a crime to sugarcoat things!
23 August marks the first day of Virgo season, so why don’t you go write a list, tidy up the house or make a few work calls to get into the spirit of the season!
On 27 August, there will be a new moon in Virgo at 4°, which will make an exact square to Mars in Gemini...
January 2025
AuthorAll posts are written by Cailin, owner and founder of Caistrology. |